
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dating Is Some B.S

Now that I've decided to take this whole "settling down/serious relationship" search seriously, I have discovered the main reason why I am still in "never married" status. Dating. Dating in the new millineum is some bullsh*t. For real.

There are so many mind games and foolishness you have to wade through to figure out if this person is a right fit, that it leaves you tired of being sick and tired. I don't know if I'm the only one feeling this way, but it's getting on my last good nerve.

It seems lately you can't get a straight answer out of anyone these days:

"What do you do for a living?" (simple question, I'm not trying to count your nickels and dimes my brother)

"Are you single?" (You HAVE to ask this due to the fact that many men define single as "not married.")

"Do you have children? If so, how often do you see them?" (Another importante' inquiry, because if they don't give a damn about theirs, you know what they will think about yours)

"How did your last relationship end?" (I am not overly concerned about how many relationships you may have had or when they ended. My major concerns are: did you have to obtain or be put on a restraining order? Were the police on speed dial throughout the relationship? and.. are you currently in hiding because the ex, who just served time due to the last attempt on your life, will be released from prison soon. ((I met someone going through this)))

Sigh.. yea, dating is for the birds.


Debbi said...

It's so easy when you're in a committed relationship to declare that if "something happens" you'll never date again. I'm guilty of saying that. But the desire for intimacy with an other is so strong. A woman I know gave herself a target date, after which she was going to give up looking. Mr. Right showed up the day before her deadline. Just sayin'. (Also, I can't believe my word verification is 'chease.' Makes me want to smile real big!)

Unknown said...

Note to self: check for comments! I considered setting a deadline, but decided against it. Just going to go with the flow.

Shayla said...

We are on the same wavelength my friend. I JUST posted a blog about dating. It's hard and you are right it is TOTAL B.S. I'd rather stab my eye with a needle than try to figure someone out...ask them a million questions just to find out that they are probably laughing about half of them.

Somehow in the end the eternal optimist gets the best of me and I trek on. Right now I'm in the "I'm not looking, God will send me someone when I'm ready phase"...which basically means, I'm to lazy to actively seek so I hope he shows up on my doorstep!

Stay positive girl. He's out there...somewhere, probably thinking the same thing about how he can't find a good woman...