
Monday, May 7, 2012

Better Late Than Never

I almost gave up on my "Beach Body Summer Quest" over the past few days because I think I may have had too much Cinco with my De Mayo and the treadmill is starting to bore me again, until I discovered the site bodyrocktv.   I was fooling around on Facebook, as I normally do every morning, when I saw the Heart and Soul folks gave them a little shout out.

So they have this whole May 30-day challenge thing going and it only requires about 15-20 minutes of circuit training, yoga and/or free weights everyday and I can do it right in the hiz-ouse.  Cool.

Day one. Let's do this. 
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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Big Break-Up

Well, I finally did it. Let go of something that's been with me through the good times and bad. Sugar. Ok, so it's only been 15 days, but in my world that's like a decade. I'm talkin' bout somebody who has been sneaking cookies and candy in her room from age 8 to 38. (Now, I'm sure that whole sneaking candy as an adult needs to be checked out by a professional..for real. But who has the time?)

How have I managed you ask? Well that's simple. Those little drink packet thingys you add to bottled water, peanut butter on whole wheat and low-fat turkey pepperoni. I'm not sure why the pepperoni curbs my sugar cravings, but it's the business.

So I just wanted to take a minute to salute myself, if you don't mind, for chucking the dueces to sweets for that long and losing 5 pounds in the process. Now that's what's up.