
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans?

2014 has been quite a year so far.

I managed to do two things I've been putting off for about nine years now, releasing myself from chemical slavery (chopped off the relaxer) and finally make the decision to return home.

No matter how hard I tried to evict the feeling of moving back to New Orleans out of my brain, it will gnaw at me like a hyena on its prey..especially during the holidays, Mardi Gras season, Lenten season (especially when I need some money beans form the St. Joseph's altar), Jazz Fest time, French Quarter Fest time, Essence Fest time, start of crawfish season, hurricane season, football season... I'm sure you get the gist of it. All the time.

Am I nervous? Yes. Do I have a plan of action in place? Somewhat. Does the fact that New Orleans still has its crime issues, public education issues and all around "get it together" issues make me doubt whether this is the time to move my school age children back?  A little bit. Does the tingling feeling I get whenever I think about moving back home override any doubt or nervousness I feel? Hell to the yeah.

10 days and counting.. leggo!

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