
Monday, January 14, 2013

No Trail, No Problem ..Lazy Girl Working Out.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but there aren't any decent walking trails near my crib and I avoided walking near my complex like it was underpaid job. The main street is too busy, I would have to cross over too many driveways and name it, I found an excuse not to do it. Also, the nearest, longest "walking/bike" trail is miles away and the closest trail to me is only .3 miles long so I would have to walk in circles for I don't know how long. 

Well, yesterday I knew I had to do something because I only worked out 3 times last week. I couldn't make myself do another "Walk Away The Pounds" workout, really wasn't feeling the Jillian thang and if I did one more "cumbia" step with Beto I was going to scream. 

So.. as the high of the day settled in ( 44 degrees, I think) I got tired of sitting in front of the computer "pinning" and watching Netflix. I suddently had the urge to put on my workout pants and my oldest son's old hoodie (who'd-a-thunk I would be wearing my son's hand me downs) and hit the pavement. Didn't have a route planned out, but I just started walking. 

I managed to walk 3.4 miles in 55 minutes which I think I would've been faster if I knew where I was going and didn't encounter those few uphill climbs I didn't expect. 

It's alright if I had to walk through a cloud of black exhaust from one truck and have a guy in a dually almost run me off the road as I tried to cross the street (he had the red light mind you) ...but it was worth it. 

I'm now officially a street walker.. 

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