
Monday, November 25, 2013

Double Down

Well it's been a minute, but I woke up this morning with my blog on my mind.

Quite a few things have changed over this past year. Ok that's putting it lightly, my whole family dynamic has changed. I'm talking a complete 360. If I can recall the last time I attempted to put this blogging thang into effect, I was either whining about how I don't have a man or can't find a man or something or other. Well, let's just say I got what I asked for with a few extras.

Let me give you the short version of events:

I pretty much decided I was going to be alone not lonely. My sister called out of the blue telling me she knew someone I should meet. I liked him. He liked me. My kids liked his kids. We are not getting any younger. His became mine and mine became his. Now my family of three is a family of seven with one on a part-time basis (for now.) I wish I would utter the word "alone" again.

Everything I do now is doubled (if not tripled).  I am still in the learning phases of this whole BIG family thing, but have to admit I am enjoying the process. So, as I go through this transition I thought I would share what I'm learning with the world (or for the five people who may actually read this).

Up next: How do you go from being the "mom" who traditionally takes her family to someone else's house for Thanksgiving to becoming the "one" who actually has to cook?

1 comment:

Debbi said...

How wonderful that you're blogging again! A toast to you and your new family.