
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Novels That Never Were

book cone by jimforest
book cone, a photo by jimforest on Flickr.

I've been having the "write the next best thing in literary fiction" itch again. Either it's time to scratch it or pick up some Neosporin.

The problem is that I have perfected the arts of procrastination and avoidance. There are at least 30 or so story starters or ideas in my Word documents file. I had some pretty good ideas if I do say so myself. (just going to pop my collar right here) **pop**

So, I'm going to add one last goal to my list of "sh*t or get off the pot" list. Pick a starter and finish something!! (For the love of all that is holy!)


Malcolm said...

Best wishes on your writing endeavors. Can any of your story starters/ideas be adapted into short story form? If you haven't considered it already, that may be the way to go as opposed to a full-length novel.

Debbi said...

Can't wait to read whatever you write ... your posts here are full of energy and humor, but I sure do understand avoidance and procrastination!

Unknown said...

Thanks for that suggestion Malcolm. I probably have enough material to put a short story together. No, I'm sure I do.

Debbie, thank you! I just ramble on and hope someone's paying attention.