This was considered "saucy and tantalizing" in 1911.
found it here
and then you have this 101 years later....
I was tittering around on Twitter a couple of nights ago when Drizzy tweeted that he was asking for video submissions for his song "Practice" along with the link to his blog. (Here's the link if you've been practicing.) So, being the nosey person I am I went to his blog and found this tomfoolery.
Practice from OctobersVeryOwn on Vimeo.
Now, I do not and refuse to knock anyone's hustle, but I couldn't help but think how pathetically this is the norm. Now females and she-males of every size, age and color are going to try to get their 15 minutes.
**I can't seem to get back up after I drop no submission from me (just kidding!!)**
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