I'm not sure if it's the fact that the big Biggest Loser weigh-in day is in two weeks or what, but I felt the urge to pull the clothes I was supposed to hang up two weeks ago off the Total Gym and get my resistance on. I'm here to tell you.. this little piece of machinery right here ain't no joke. (If you do it right that is.)
Sure, I might lay on it for about 10 to 15 minutes between exercises because I done went too far and what was supposed to be a 20 - 30 minute workout might last about 90 minutes, but it really works. When I used to be very serious about obtaining a wicked, bodacious bawdy, I would hit it everyday sometimes twice a day and the inches were coming off. But as usual, I would start seeing results and stop.
This time I will vow (fingers crossed) to make it part of my daily routine. I done YouTubed a gang of videos so I can switch it up a bit and begin sliding my way to fit and tonifiedness. This might just be the summer of the debut of the two piece. (ok yea, I just took it little too far right there.)
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